The Struggles, Joys, and Motivations of 25 Leaders in STEM Education

The 2014/2015 MsurbanSTEM fellowship has released another publication titled
This I Believe. The fellowship collaboratively published it’s first collection,
Roots of Stem, in September 2014. Following a year long commitment, these 25 influential educators share their work and ideas as individuals and a team throughout the book.
This I Believe is a compilation of the struggles, joys and motivations of our 25 fellows along their #MSUrbanSTEM journey. Their love and energy for teaching is solidified in this book. Their heartfelt words serve as great inspiration for learners everywhere. The fellows reflect on their endeavors and glance into the futures of educational leadership. Each fellow includes their sincere thoughts as educators, a book that has influenced them and a quote that has energized them along the way. They also include valuable information such as links to their websites and social media connections.
This book serves as a great resource for any educator who is committed to today’s student, thrives on inspiration and is passionate about learning!