Michael Kosko is Launching Something New!
March 31, 2017
Something incredible is about to launch! Michael Kosko has been working on a side project titled One STEM Chicago. The project is thoughtfully designed with a series of common activities aimed to connect educators all across Chicago Public Schools. The first annual One STEM Chicago will blast off (literally) on Wednesday, May 10th and Thursday, May 11th. Registered classrooms will participate in the designated activity on Day 1 and collaborate with another classroom on Day 2 for discussion and follow up. Registration begins today!
The very first activity is “Film Canister Rockets.” Kosko chose this activity because it is easily scaled up or down depending on age and grade level. He also admits it’s just messy and all around fun!
Kosko has witnessed the power of collaboration throughout the #MSUrbanSTEM experience. He thought it would be great to promote collaboration among educators all over Chicago. Kosko praised the support of his colleagues and #MSUrbanSTEM instructor Candace Marcotte. He gratefully expressed, “Candace has been an incredible thought partner.” Kosko is extremely excited and energetic about One STEM Chicago and he hopes the collaboration will spark tons of new learning for both students and educators.
The main goals of One STEM Chicago include:
- Celebrate STEM education in Chicago schools.
- Allow educators across the city to collaborate on a common lesson that is scaffolded for grade level and aligned to different content areas.
- Provide students with the opportunity to discuss their learning and experiences with another classroom in the city.