Teacher Feature: Preston Lewis Recognized for Outstanding STEM Instruction
Preston Lewis is a STEM coordinator at James Wadsworth STEM School in Chicago. He was recently recognized by Chicago Public Schools for his passion and dedication to STEM instruction. He was particularly acknowledged for nurturing a strong love for STEM among his students.
Ronetta Wards, assistant principal boasts, “For someone to have that real-world experience, actually in the (STEM) field, to come into education and share that passion is just a rare find and a gem to have here at our school.”
His students agree that Lewis is a highly effective educator who truly wants all of his students to be successful in the STEM disciplines. Lewis shares, “We want them to not only be proficient in their discipline, but understand the connection as to why we’re learning what we’re learning and how it’s actually going to be used later on.” Preston Lewis loves when he hears a student say, “I want to be an engineer.” He says it makes his job well worth it!
In the video below, his passion for STEM shines through. Keep up the good work, Preston. We are proud to have you as a member of our #MSUrbanSTEM team.