Michael Kosko is Bringing Hip Hop to Science

Michael Kosko is determined to bring the science of everyday life into the classroom.  He aims to provide multiple opportunities for his students to naturally think of themselves as scientists. “For this semester I have planned more collaborative, long-term projects to engage my students and build their science identity,” Kosko shares. “I realized that while I had been asking them to take on the role of different scientists, I was not having them look at the different ways that science plays an active roll in their daily lives.”


Kosko discovered #HipHopScience, an Instagram phenomenon inspired by Maydemusic.  This project encourages students to connect science and hip-hop while identifying scientific concepts within their favorite songs.  Kosko is excited to bring #HipHopScience to his classroom this spring!


Below is an example that Mr. Kosko created using Beyonce’s lead single “Crazy in Love.”  Perfect for Valentines’ Day!  “My students will have the option to make a poster on Google Drawing like my example or make their own videos on Screencastify.  Some students already have their own lab coats!” Kosko says. Have fun scientists!
