Great Pride and Accomplishments…We Honor Our 2015/2016 Cohort
Forty-nine amazing members of our 2015/2016 Cohort were honored on Saturday, May 14th at the Union League Club of Chicago. Special guests from WIPRO, Michigan State and Chicago Public Schools were in attendance. All gathered to celebrate a wonderful year of learning together. PRIDE served as the heart and soul of the celebration-and rightfully so. With great accomplishment, comes great pride.
Our cohort accomplished so much…together. Within the past year, these fine educators have published two books, Ultimate STEM and This I Believe. These books serve as great resources for fellow educators, as well as a time-stamp of our own work together. The publications are a reminder of where we’ve been, where we are and where we are going. Our fellows worked fearlessly to explore, create and share while serving as leaders within the Chicago Public School system. And for that…we are PROUD.
A few of our members reflected on the evening. “I was so proud to be sitting in that room Saturday night among some of the best teachers CPS has to offer; we are MSU Urban STEM!” said Tracy Iammartino with pride.
Fitz Crame also shared, “The night was a spectacular success and a fitting end to our experience together.”
Each member received a certificate in STEM and Leadership from Michigan State University. Punya Mishra, program co-director, concluded the evening by saying, “Most importantly, you were willing to explore, create and share your learning and experience with each other and the world. Seeing what you have achieved — has frankly blown us away. You have surprised us, and sometimes, I think you may have even surprised yourselves.”
It has been quite a year filled with numerous accomplishments. Our sincere pride and appreciation to each and every one of you. YOU are #MSUrbanSTEM!