Where Does the Water Go? Students Go Find Out!
Many people never stop to think about where the water goes after a rain storm....
Ashley Rose Puts a Spin on Teaching Neuroscience
Ashley Rose was recently acknowledged in her school newspaper for bringing the...
What's Tweetin? Here's What Happened Last Week @MSUrbanSTEM
Another busy week for our #MSUrbanSTEM fellows and their students! Last week...
A Fully Funded Project for Ninety Five Students...Just ImagineIT!
Joselyn Galvez is one happy teacher! She is a math teacher at Reilly...
And the Stop Motion Video Oscar Goes to...
Best picture? Best video editing? Most creative? Most informative? Sounds like...
What's Tweeting? Here's What Happened Last Week @MSUrbanSTEM
Last week was a busy week on Twitter. Our fellows are doing amazing things and...
Elena Concepcion Wins the NEED Grant
Elena Concepcion’s school year started off with some very exciting news!...
The #MSUrbanSTEM Cardboard Challenge
It’s here! People from all over the world are celebrating creativity by...
Quickfires Are Lighting Up the New School Year
We love Quickfire Challenges. They are a staple on the agenda at any...
Meet the Featured Fellow...Hallie Askuvich
Meet the Featured Fellow Hallie Askuvich! Image not loading? Click here. ...
Leading Back to School Professional Development
Leadership. It’s the #MSUrbanSTEM way! We are happy to see so many of...
Choosing Professional Reads for the Upcoming Fall Semester...
The fall semester is here and we have all chosen our professional reads!...
Cohorts Collide at Googlepalooza!
This year’s Googlepalooza was buzzing with members from Cohort 1, 2 and...
The #MSUrbanSTEM TV Parody Show!
It all began with a 35 minute Quickfire Challenge. Our fellows unleashed their...
The MSU Urban STEM Film Festival
Here’s to our own little MSU UrbanSTEM Film Festival! Our fellows...
Improving Our Improvisation Skills With The Second City, Chicago
Improvisation can be frightening! Well, our fellows totally rocked it on Day 6...
Michael Kosko Travels to Tokyo for a Cooperative Learning Opportunity
Michael Kosko is an environmental science teacher at Al Raby High School. We...
What Exactly Does it Mean to ImagineIT?
The ImagineIT project…what exactly is it? Punya Mishra recently...
And That's A Wrap! Summer Meetings End, New Wonder Begins!
Cohort 3 is here and kickin! Fifty new fellows have gathered, conversed and...
Showcasing Our Amazing Teaching Moments...
Drum roll please…Amazing teacher moments happened this week. Our fellows...
What Do You "Meme" We Can Teach Creatively?
We’ve seen memes all over the internet, but what about those concentrated...
A Special Field Trip to MSU
On May 23rd, eighteen students from Dodge Renaissance Academy and Morton School...
Gratitude: Special Thanks for Another Great Year!
Our second cohort has wrapped up and we are now preparing to welcome 50 new...