And the Oppenheimer Grant goes to…
And the Oppenheimer Grant goes to…our very own Joanna Doyle!
The Oppenheimer Grant is a teacher incentive grant awarded to fund project based learning in the classroom. Joanna Doyle knew this grant could provide opportunities for her students to “tinker.” Joanna Doyle teaches at Edison Gifted School in Chicago and is participating in the MSU/WIPRO Stem cohort. She composed her grant proposal with the hopes of receiving financial support so that her students could create wearable electronic art. A backpack equipped with a solar charger? A neck-tie rigged with LED lights that serve as a sound meter? Why not? Projects like these are often limited by lack of materials. These little engineers can now make their ideas a reality thanks to the Oppenheimer Grant funds.
Joanna was asked what she is most excited about. Her response was, “I am most excited about giving students the opportunity to tinker.” Joanna thrives on supporting her students as they try to problem solve and figure out what needs to be adjusted, fixed, and re-thought. “Their ultimate success is even richer for each instance of failure along the way,” she states.
Once the students create their wearable electronic art, they will showcase their wonderful projects at their first ever Maker’s Faire on April 23 at 5 pm. Way to go Joanna!