A Packed #MSUrbanSTEM Playground at This Year’s CPS Tech Talk

If a playground is popular, it will be packed!  The MSU Urban STEM Playground was certainly a very busy place at this year’s Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Tech Talk.  CPS Tech Talk was a huge success as our 49 fellows shared their wealth of STEM knowledge with others.  The MSU Urban STEM crew hosted an interactive “poster session” including a wide variety of topics.

Some included:
Video Creation and Blended/Flipped Classroom
Pedagogical Play (Making Technology Count)
Real World Connections to Math and Science
Problem-Based Learning
Multimodal Composition and Digital Student Portfolios

A few of our other fellows were part of some break-out sessions as well.  Fitz Crame, Sushma Lohitsa and Steve Tow did a presentation focusing on MakerSpaces.  Laura Frcka was on a panel about her school’s second year with a 1:1 implementation plan.  Our fellows definitely represented MSU Urban STEM well!  “We also had a bunch of Cohort 1 fellows show up to connect and support Cohort 2 and that was outstanding to see!”  Candace Marcotte shared.

Below you will find all of the sessions in one happy spot, courtesy of Candace Marcotte.   A very special thanks to all of our MSU Urban STEM fellows for such a successful day.